Saturday, November 17, 2007

I oughtn't to read blogs, apparently. . .

No, (sometimes) I oughtn't to read strangers' blogs, because even when I'm just looking for an interesting meme, I can't seem to help finding people whose opinions depress me. Why? I don't know these people. In all likelihood, I never will know them. I shouldn't give a fig what they think-- and I don't, really-- but it still depresses me to see how. . . well, how stupid so many people are. Not everyone can be as brilliant and all-knowing as myself, of course, but still, one hopes for some measure of intelligence. . . ;o)

And now, with that off my chest, I can proceed. (g) (About time, too, because I know you're dying to read this meme. It's been a day or two since the last one I posted, after all! ;o))

Some random meme about food (a relatively safe subject):

Do you have any weird "food rules"? List as many as you like:
Hm. Well, I wrote about some of these recently, so I'll try to keep them brief. I don't think they're "weird", but maybe I'm mistaken. Oh, and some of them aren't really "rules". . .
  1. Meat must be very thoroughly cooked-- especially chicken.
  2. I keep certain cutting boards "sacred" for the use of veggies and other foods that won't be cooked. ("Sacred" means I don't cut chicken or other raw meats on them.)
  3. I don't like mayonnaise on sandwiches, but I will eat it if it's mixed into certain foods-- such as ham or tuna salad.
  4. I'm a little bit picky about dairy products. Milk, cheese and cream cheese are good, and I've learned to like sour cream on baked potatoes (probably would've been just as well if I hadn't, though), but I'm not at all interested in yogurt, fil, or cottage cheese. (Cottage cheese is ok if it's been cooked, as in lasagna.)
  5. I like raw broccoli and cauliflower better than raw tomatoes. (Well, raw tomatoes are good in salsa, but that's about it.) I can make myself eat raw carrots, but I'm not thrilled about them.
When you were growing up, what one thing did your parents always remind you of during meals?
No one thing in particular comes to mind. . . There were the usual things parents say to kids-- "Did you eat your vegetables?", "Don't put your glass so close to the edge of the table.", etc., but no single thing stands out.

Is there anyone you know whose food you won't eat (for one reason or another)?
No. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Besides, I don't eat at that many different people's houses, and none of them are that bad as cooks. (g) This question does remind me of something L.M. Montgomery wrote about in her journals-- an awful tea at someone's house. Not-quite-clean dishes and that sort of thing. I seem to recall that she suffered through it as cheerfully as possible. What else can you do, unless there's a dog handy to smuggle bits to, under the table? ;o)

Is there anything you "specialize" in cooking, that people actually ask for?
Not that I can think of. I don't cook for many people. I'm not a very confident cook. I mean, I like what I make, and Donald isn't shriveling away to nothing for lack of decent food. ;o) But I'm just never sure if other people will like my cooking. I worry that what tastes good to me might not taste so great to anyone else. I have a recipe for soup that people like, but it's not really "mine"-- I just got it from someone else. . . Donald usually makes "Lucia katts" around Christmas, and I think people enjoy those. (And I help him. (g))

When you were growing up, what one meal do you remember as being your favorite?
White rice and gravy (beef- or chicken-flavored) is one "dish" that stands out as a childhood favorite. Once, I ate so much of it that I had a stomach ache, which ruined my appetite for it for a while. (g)

Did your family have particular ethnic foods different from those eaten by your friends?
Not that I can recall. My friends and I were pretty much all the same "ethnicity"-- i.e. we were all just Americans eating regular American food, as far as I can remember. Southern home cooking (fried chicken, rice and gravy, cornbread, turnip greens, etc.) and coastal delicacies (fried fish, battered shrimp, gumbo, and hush puppies) don't seem exactly "ethnic"-- and since most of my friends were born and raised in the South, too, I imagine they ate similar foods-- but it's the best thing I can come up with as an answer to this question.

Today, what is your IDEAL meal?
Um, anything I don't have to cook? ;o) Seriously, I don't have a single favorite. I like lots of things. Unfortunately, I'm generally more attracted to fatty, sweet, and/or high-carb foods than vegetables and fruit and other healthy stuff. But that's true of most of us, isn't it?