In my e-mail in-box this morning there was an ad from a fabric store with the title "Shop early & SAVE! Christmas Cottons $1.99 yd.". . . And then later on in the e-mail, "Christmas in June SALE!"
"Shop early and SAVE!"-- Well, they weren't kidding about the "early" part, at least!
I know you need to shop early if you're to have time to get your holiday sewing (or other crafting) projects done in time to enjoy them "in season"-- in fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to start working on a few things, myself-- but who wants to buy Christmas prints in June?
In a month or two, the stores will be putting out their Christmas decorations. It's that time of the year! Or, well, not really that time of the year at all. . . but they seem to think it is.