Thursday, March 28, 2013

86/365 - Thread Crochet

86/365 - Thread Crochet

Thread crochet feels like such an indulgent hobby, which is funny, because you get so many hours of entertainment from a single ball of cotton thread.

85/365 - Tidy

85/365 - Tidy

This is actually a make-up photo.  I forgot to take one for this day, so I took two the next day.  It's an accurate representation of the missed day, though, because that was the day I finally tidied up the dressing table.  Most of my collection of little trinket boxes went into a shallow drawer cleared out for the purpose.  Maybe I'll rotate them to put different ones out on display, every so often.  Most likely, I'll never bother...  I much prefer this less cluttered look. Maybe I'll be able to keep it dusted, now.

84/365 - "No photos, please!"

84/365 - "No photos, please!"

This is one of the "neighbor cats", Mr. Fat.  I'm pretty sure he's the one who doesn't like the camera... In any case, he ran away when he saw ours.

83/365 - Wood Sorrel

83/365 - Wood Sorrel

Wood sorrel (both yellow and pink) is another common wildflower around here. 

82/365 - Electricity, Part 3

82/365 - Electricity, Part 3

The "pre-drywall" electric work was completed on this day.  Here you can see the wiring ready for a security light on the outside of the garage. 

81/365 - Electricity, Part 2

81/365 - Electricity, Part 2

The second day of electric work.  They started pulling the wire throughout the garage and buried the conduit connecting the line to the house. 

80/365 - Electricity, Part 1

80/365 - Electricity, Part 1

Things are moving in the garage, again.  We hired an electrician to wire it for us, because electricity is something we're just not completely comfortable doing on our own.

79/365 - Blueberry Bush

79/365 - Blueberry Bush

Lots of blooms on this blueberry bush!

78/365 - Reclaimed Yarn

78/365 - Reclaimed Yarn

This is "reclaimed" yarn-- unraveled from a $1 thrift store sweater.  It ended up in several balls, as you can see, but since it's 100% wool, I'll be able to use a felted joins, which is better than dealing with a hundred ends to weave in at the end.

77/365 - White Iris

77/365 - White Iris

This iris treated us to three pretty blooms this spring. 

76/365 - The Castles of Burgundy

76/365 - The Castles of Burgundy

Board game time!

75/365 - Fog


A foggy morning...

73/365 - Primed

73/365 - Primed

Priming boards to trim the pump house...

(And here's a bonus photo ;o) of the pump house... painted red but still without most of its trim or a door...)

Pump House

74/365 - Trixie

74/365 - Trixie

We got her a dog bed, but she still seems to prefer the floor.  (Donald had to put her on it and pet her to keep her on it long enough for me to take this photo.)

72/365 - Clover

72/365 - Clover

Pretty patches of clover are growing near the pond. 

71/365 - Sunny Spot

71/365 - Sunny Spot

A cozy patch of afternoon sun slanting through the blinds-- just the spot for drowsy lounging.

70/365 - Angel Food Cake

70/365 - Angel Food Cake

From a box, but still delicious.  We ate it with sliced strawberries.

69/365 - Twilight

69/365 - Twilight

Looking away from the sunset and over the roof of the house (for a change).

68/365 - Trench

68/365 - Trench

We dug a trench to prepare for taking electricity to the garage. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

67/365 - "Stonehenge"

67/365 - "Stonehenge"

We went exploring a few local sight-seeing spots near or at the beach, including these unique... sculptures? (Whatever they should be called...)  There are dinosaurs and a replica of Stonehenge nestled in among the pines on the long, winding road that leads to Barber Marina.  Not something you see everyday!

66/365 - Willow Oak

66/365 - Willow Oak

Down at the pond (and around our yard, and everywhere), trees are gearing up for another spring and summer.

65/365 - Pretty Day

65/365 - Pretty Day

We have to enjoy them while they're here!

Friday, March 15, 2013

64/365 - Pear Blooms

64/365 - Pear Blooms

The spring flowers are all abloom, around the yard.  In our yard, that's azaleas, this Bradford pear, Indian hawthorn, blueberry bushes, camellias, daffodils, spirea, the tulip tree, the loropetalum... and maybe more things that I'm forgetting at the moment.

63/365 - Pond

63/365 - Pond

We walked to the pond.  I took a photo.  As it turned out, that was the only photo I took for the day-- and so we end up with this as my Photo of the Day.  Impressive, isn't it?

62/365 - Rolls

62/365 - Rolls

Donald baked some rolls.  (He is the bread-maker of the house.  I occasionally bake sweets, but so far, the only bread I've made has been of the banana or sweet potato biscuit variety.)  It was our first time using the new kitchen machine for dough.  Worked great!

61/465 - I Heart Crochet

61/465 - I Heart Crochet

Or in this case, "I crochet heart(s)".  ;o)  They were for another square for the current afghan-in-progress. 

60/365 - Sunset

60/365 - Sunset

Just enough clouds to make a beautiful sunset.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Three Things

1.  I have given up on the 52 Weeks of Happy project.  The remaining however-many weeks of the year will have to settle for Ho-Hum.  ;o)  Ok, ok.  But really-- what I learned from my attempt at 52WoH is that... having one more "assignment" / "obligation" does not make me happy.  Which sort of defeats the purpose of 52WoH.  Which is why I called it off.  (Now, if I could just call off some of the other things that make me Not Happy... like having to clean the bathrooms, for instance...)

2.  Project 365 is still on!  (Believe it or not.)  The photos are all taken, and I don't even think I've missed one (yet).  Many of them are still sitting in the camera, waiting.  ...Oops.  However, one of these days I will process and post them all.  I might even get back into the habit of uploading them in a (slightly more) timely manner. 

3.  Google Reader is going away forever!!!  (Welp, that's it.  It's official.  Google really is Evil.)  I, obviously (or else I wouldn't care one way or the other), am among the apparently dwindling number of loyal users. We have until July to make other arrangements.  The only good thing about this is that maybe it will make me finally get my messy collection of RSS feeds under control.  (Maybe.)  No, but seriously, if I haven't read a given blog in two or three years, I'll definitely at least consider unsubscribing from it. 

Actually, truth be told, I'm kind of looking forward to doing some spring cleaning in the ol' blogroll. Getting it back in hand.  Teaching it who's boss.  Taking it to task.  I'm definitely in "organize and purge" mode, around the house, lately (and goodness knows I need to be).  A little tidying up on the computer wouldn't hurt, either.  Selecting and familiarizing myself with another RSS reader, on the other hand... not looking forward to that. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

59/365 - It Slices! It Dices! ;o)

"Kitchen Machine"

59/365 - It Slices!  It Dices! ;o)

This "Kitchen Machine" was a generous and thoughtful (combination birthday and Christmas) gift to me from Donald's parents.  We've already used it to help mix bread dough, grate carrots, and slice vegetables for soup.  It works great!  I'm sure we'll continue to get a lot of use out of it.  (I have some recipes in mind...)

Thank you very much!  :o)