Sunday, November 23, 2014

Garden Plans

The cool season is here!
Time to start putting garden plans into action...

-- Pulled a lot of weeds.  (Still a few spots in need of attention, though.)
-- Planted the daylilies grown from seed.  (But I think I may want to transplant a few to a different location...)  They may not bloom until the summer after next, but it's an investment in the future. ;o) I'm contemplating starting another batch of seeds, next spring, but maybe it's better to focus on something other than daylilies, this time.  Want to crowd new beds with as many hardy plants as possible.  Goal: Cottage garden aesthetic.  More plants, less sun-exposed mulch.
-- Started mulching.  (Started.  Five wheelbarrow loads of pine straw.  Not willing to estimate how many more I need to gather.)

-- Continue mulching.
-- Burn weeds, dead plants, branches on burn-pile.
-- Plant remaining potted plants.
-- Transplant five daylilies (from back of flower bed).
-- Transplant two roses (from too-shady spot in front of patio).
-- Transplant iris and ginger lily into new beds.
-- Check hydrangea.  If layered branch has rooted, cut and transplant.
-- Remove sago palm pups.  (What to do with them?? Anyone want some?)
-- Finish putting stones into circular bed.
-- Paint flower pots.
-- Paint obelisk.
-- Assemble and paint sun dial.
-- Re-paint ivy box. (Another coat should do the job.)
-- Deal with Water Hose Situation.
-- Trim back evergreen shrubs in foundation planting.
-- Take down a few small trees around the yard.
-- And more, but that's enough to think about for now!

Projects on the Horizon:
-- Put in gravel pathways.
-- Replace section of fence (and gate).
-- Place old pavers for new small back porch patio area.
-- Repaint patio cover.
-- Arbor for main gate. (Probably won't get to it this cool season.)
-- Fix spigot by kitchen window.  (Warm weather project?)
-- Make permanent step for kitchen door.  (Warmer weather?)
-- Fix loose pavers on patio.  (Find root of problem, this time.)

Also, I fully expect this winter to bring another round of assault from the "stinkshrooms" (stinkhorn mushrooms, a.k.a. Devil's perfume bottle, a.k.a. demonbreath, a.k.a. parfum de carcass-- ok, I made up all the "a.k.a."s, but trust me, they stink!).  I've recently come across the tell-tale white mycelium (and in some cases even teensy tiny little "mushroom balls") in the pots of young daylilies and in at least one flower bed. They're gearing up.  It's only a matter of time.  I've removed the ones I've found, to the best of my ability, but I'm sure tiny bits got left behind-- and that's only the ones I happen to have found.  *sigh*  I guess the only thing to do is to steel myself for battle.