- Laundry-- sorted, washed, dried, folded and put away: clothes, towels, and two small rugs
- Unloaded/reloaded dishwasher
- Cleaned out/reorganized two messy kitchen cabinets
- Put contact paper in those same two cabinets
- (Helped Donald) put nicer frosted glass shades from our old bedroom ceiling fan on the living room fan
- Added to "give away or donate" pile
- Did a little touch-up painting on furniture
- A little vacuuming
- General cleaning/decluttering (though you wouldn't know it to look at the place-- much more to go)
I doubt their times were really any simpler than ours, but I do envy them just a little. . . even if they didn't have Photoshop or the Internet for entertainment. ;o) I like imaging their reactions if I could go back and tell them, "One day, years and years into the future, almost anyone living in a modernized country will be able to hit a few buttons and look at this photo of you!" Would they believe me? Would they care? (g) I wonder what they'll be doing with our photos, hundreds of years from now. . .