Thursday, February 5, 2009

Glaskogens Naturreservat

While Donald was in Sweden, he, Ingela, and Jocke went to Glaskogen (a nature reserve), where they roasted hot dogs on the shore of a frozen lake.

This is the same nature reserve (but not the same lake, I think) where we ate a late lunch, one afternoon, during our last trip to Sweden. However, "our" lake-- Sitjärn-- didn't look much like this when we were there. ;o)

Icy Glaskogen from Michael Johansson on Vimeo.

I tried something new (to me) when editing this video-- stretching out the clip to make it cover more time than it does in regular play-back. Actually, I also did this on the second part of the video of Trixie catching the frisbee, but that was somewhat different. In that case, you could definitely tell it was "slo-mo" (because that was the whole point). This time, I did it more to just make the clip last longer and to counteract the slight dizzy, blurry effect of panning too much, too fast. I'm not sure how well it worked, but it's at least watchable. I probably should've tried lightening it, too, as the trees are too dark-- but that's probably just a reflection of the weather that day. . .